What is Corporate and Society Branding?

Corporate Branding Let’s suppose you were rushing late to the office. While entering your tech park, you showed your identity card to the gatekeepers in a haste and waited for them to give the go-ahead. You noticed some standees by Capers & Gamers placed on either side of the way. The signage looked attractive and the company name & images suggested it was about a new game, but you had no time to read it. You were running late already and had to punch in before it would be counted as a late entry. You entered the hallway where you noticed another ad placed on the doors of the elevator and couldn’t help but admire the way it was designed. When you read it, you were pleased with yourself as it was certainly a gaming company and realized they were promoting a new gaming device they have newly launched. The doors of the elevator opened, and you made a mental note to look about this company later on Google. You aren't a person who is interested in video games, but you didn’t wan...